News from 2013

Girona Breathing Circle

Narcis Noguer Daurell Narcis Noguer Daurell is the facilitator of a new Breathing Circle in Girona, Spain. The Breathing Circle takes place at Carmen’s home (details below) and he will be supported by Carmen Boix i Casas, Doia Compte Riera and Manuel Rodriguez Alejandre. Carmen, Doia and Angels started a rebirth group ten years ago which now offers rebirth training to newcomers. The group have received training from Marga Parellada, Leonard Orr, Sondra Ray, and Bob Mandel and are members of the International Breath Foundation The group founded the COR (Circle of Rebirthing) in Girona in 2000 which has over 20 Rebirther members. Breathing Circle organiser Masha Pradran from Empuriabrava is a member of COR and IBF and they work as colleagues in the South of Spain. Welcome onboard Girona circle! For more information in Spanish or English see the website:

Narcis Noguer Daurell
Venue: AD’s ESCOLA, Plaça Camil Geis, baixos 5, GIRONA 17007, SPAIN
Tel: 972.207.461
Mob: 657.412.202

New Breathing Circle in Leeds, UK

UPDATE: This circle is no longer active.

Ciara Longman has started a new Breathing Circle in Meanwood, Leeds.

Ciara Longman
Venue: Meanwood, Leeds LS6
Tel: 07747 614369

Two new Breathing Circles for Belgium

Daniëlle De Wilde & Fabienne Doyen are running circles in Brussels and Bruges. They are assisted in facilitation by Griet Verstraete, Luc en Greet, Marie Rose Windels and Geoff Smith, which enables them to accept big groups of up to 20 to 30 people. Part of the money is donated for specific breath projects depending of the circles.

Please note: These circles are not necessarily run on the standard dates mentioned on this website. To attend one of these circles contact the facilitators for confirmation of the dates and availablity of places.

Daniëlle De Wilde & Fabienne Doyen
Venue: Brussels, Bruges
Tel: +32 050 429439
Mob: +32 (0)495 660700

San Diego Breathing Circle

James Beard James has been actively exploring the breath since 1992 which has led him into the world of yoga. Over the years, his intention has not been to heal others but to guide and empower people to heal themselves. His practice of Breathwork has evolved with the gifts and inspiration of several influential master teachers building a strong foundation of experience. James integrates the natural organic movements of the body with the breath in his yoga classes to support students so that they may gain a greater understanding of the deeper levels of the self.

He has taught meditation classes and has studied many different healing systems including Reiki, healing touch, massage, and Watsu. He is certified in Qi Gong and Bioenergy healing and is also a licensed Massage Practitioner. He became a certified Vinyasa yoga teacher under the guidance of Jeanie Carlstead at the La Jolla Yoga Center in 2010, where he completed Anusara I & II Immersions under Michael Fukumura and in 2012 became a certified Raja Yoga teacher under the guidance of Mehrad Nazari & Michele Hebert.

His yoga classes have a segment exclusively dedicated to pranayama, because he believes breathing exercises promote exploration of the spontaneous and subtle changes that come from within. This practice inspires people to control their state of being by consciously controlling the patterns of the breath. James enjoys encouraging students to be open as the healing path unfolds in yoga. He focuses strongly on breath in his classes, incorporating the individual needs of each student in an effort to cultivate an environment that is welcoming and free.

James Beard
Venue: 2480 Casement St, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Tel: 858-349-1061

Santa Cruz Breathing Circle

Rebecca Dharma FunderBreathwork/Rebirthing/Pranayama and Yoga Therapy IN Santa Cruz, California. Dedicated to the advancement of all spiritual disciplines. A serious and focused approach to the science and practice of yoga and meditation which can effectively lead to reaching the goals one sets one's mind to achieve given personal commitment.

Rebecca Dharma Funder
Venue: 120 Pearl Alley, Santa Cruz, California 95060
Tel: +1 831-435-9642


Munich Breathing Circle

Heinz Gerd and Lera Lange Heinz Gerd came in contact with conscious breathing in Australia 1994 where he took his first Rebirthertraining with True Connections. Since then he has been passionate about the personal and spiritual transformation potential inherent in the breath. Having explored various different Breathwork approaches in different countries (Holotropic, Integrative, Transformational and several more) he established a 3-year part time breathwork practitioner training in the UK (InBreath). Having moved back to Germany he is now running the "Life Mastery Program" that includes One Year Seminars and a practitioner training with his wife Lera. She is a brilliant Breathworker for more than 10 years. Lera has deep shamanic roots and is a gifted energy healer and heartpath coach. Heinz Gerd is currently the National coordinator of the IBF for Germany. "We are looking forward to breathe with you."

Liebe Atemfreunde
Seit dem 24.9.2013 sind wir Mitglied beim dem globalen, monatlichen Atemkreis und freuen uns auf Euer Kommen.

Was heisst das?
Jeweils am letzten Dienstag im Monat bieten wir einen offenen (drop-in) Atemkreis bei uns zu Hause an. Jeder der sich für das bewusste Atmen interessiert ist dazu herzlich eingeladen. Man braucht keine vorherige Erfahrung. Wenn ihr Freunde oder Bekannte mitbringen möchtet würde uns das sehr freuen.

Wie läuft so was ab?
Nach einer gemeinsamen Erdungsmeditation zum Ankommen gibt es eine kurze Mitteilungsrunde. Dem folgt eine kleine Atemeinweisung und anschliessend eine mit Musik begleitete Atemsitzung. Danach gibt es wieder eine kleine Mitteilungsrunde sowie Tee und Kekse. Innerlich erneuert und erfrischt fahrt ihr wieder heim.

Was ist eine Atemsitzung
Der Atem ist die Brücke zwischen Bewusstsein und dem Unterbewussten Durch das bewusste, kreisförmige Atmen wird unser Körper und Geist energetisiert und bekommt die Möglichkeit Stress, eingelagerte Emotionen und negative Gedanken loszulassen. Die aktive Anfangsphase geht nach einiger Zeit in meditative Glückszustände über.

Lera und ich haben jahrzehntelange Erfahrungen mit dem bewusste Atmen und Du bist bei uns in guten Händen. Wir lieben diesen Erneuerungsprozess und freuen uns darauf Dich dabei zu unterstützen.

Heinz Gerd & Lera Lange
Venue: Am Waldacker 2, 85250, Altomünster, Germany
Tel: 0049 8258 9114
Mob: 0049 176 78 70 7414

Mexico Breathing Circle

Robin ClementsRobin Clements is Founder and Director of Baja Wellness in Los Cabos Mexico, Co-Creator and Instructor of BreathWave; a gentle and powerful approach to self healing through conscious breathing and sound healing.

Robin certified as a Sr.Trainer for Transformational Breath Foundation in 2008.

As a Light Worker and Breath Guide, globally certified in several healing arts Robin travels the world sharing the gift of personal empowerment and , facilitating the light of mutual love with harmony that starts within.

Robin Clements
Venue: San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Central Coast Breathing Circle

Update 19/05/2016: This circle is no longer running.

Lotte Schultz Skilled practitioner and trainer Lotte Schultz has more then 20 years of personal and spiritual development experince to call upon, and has been supporting individuals and groups through her practice for more than 10 years.

Originally from Denmark, Lotte migrated to Australia in her early 20s and has travelled extensively. She has a wealth of global experience, including four years in Bangkok, Thailand, where she worked with children with disabilities while studying health and transcendental meditation.

Lotte Schultz
Venue: Bensville, New South Wales, Australia
Tel: (02) 4363 2426 / 0422 989 551

Calgary, Canada joins the Breathing Circle!

Angela ChromikChristina Mintenko We are delighted that our friend from the Global Inspiration Conference in India, Christina Mintenko has set up a Monthly breathe in her community to synchronise with the Worldwide Breathing Circle. She says &qout;There are two of us facilitating! Angel Chromik, who is is passionate about all forms of health and healing, and has been on the breath work path since 2006. She has studied under Dr Judith Kravitiz who is the founder of The Transformational Breathing Society. This is where she gained valuable experience working within the many levels of healing Transformational Breathing has to share. Breath work has become a tool with which to apply and offer the messages and guidance of Spirit with those who seek her on their healing journey. Working alongside Angela is Christina, who has completed a comprehensive training program of self-empowerment, intentional development and Transformational mind/body technologies through The Transformational Breath Foundation. She is devoted to the daily practice, consciously breathing for the past three years. She has gained experience working worldwide, facilitating group sessions with respected breath workers including Dr. Judith Kravitz, Dave & Pat Krajovic and Alicia Berumen. She is a member of the International Breath work Foundation (IBF) and continues to gain new insights into the healing powers of the breath, through both facilitating and while participating. She works with individuals, couples, and groups to foster conscious living and the application of mindfulness in everyday life.

The circle will run every month on the last Tuesday from 7-10pm Canadian time zone! Welcome aboard Christina and Angela!

Christina Mintenko & Angela Chromik
Venue: 139 18 Ave NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Milan Breathing Circle

Indalecia Zirrit Il Respiro è la funzione vitale che ci rende più consapevoli della nostra intera esistenza. L’inspirazione è la prima manifestazione di vita che ci accompagna la nostra venuta alla luce, e l’ultima che sopraggiunge con la morte, è un sospiro accompagnato da un’espirazione. Tra questi due istanti c’è un intero ciclo di vita, un processo continuo e inarrestabile di innumerevoli inspirazioni ed espirazioni.

Il soffio del respiro è energia sottile, impercettibile e vitale che ci sorregge e ci accompagna nella vita; non solo perché rende possibile la nostra esistenza fisica e psichica, ma perché è il collegamento con la nostra vera Essenza.

Le funzioni del sistema respiratorio ad ogni atto respiratorio svolgono un’azione fondamentale per l’esistenza e la salute del corpo fisico: reazioni chimiche, fisiche e meccaniche, ecc. Esiste sempre di più un coinvolgimento più profondo ogni volta che l’aria (prana, energia vitale) entra nei nostri polmoni, basta pensare al ritmo ed all’intensità della respirazione determinate dalle nostre emozioni inducono a un cambiamento respiratorio che si verifica senza accorgimento.

Le tradizioni e le conoscenze sulla respirazione sono presenti in tutte le pratiche meditative e nelle antiche filosofie orientali. Babaji, uno Yogi di straordinaria saggezza che viveva alle pendici dell’Himalaya, la cui inspirazione continua a risplendere in Occidente per molti ricercatori spirituali, insegnò a Leonard Orr - padre del Rebirthing - la forza ristoratrice e vitalizzante del respiro dimostrandogli la sua efficacia e convincendolo di diffonderlo nel mondo occidentale. Sono passati più di 30 anni da allora. Il respiro consapevole in Occidente continua ad evolversi e rinnovarsi.

Con questo evolversi, si è accertato che gli stati mentali, fisici ed emotivi possono essere modificati alterando il tipo di respirazione. Gli schemi respiratori sono come una metafora di come viviamo la nostra vita. Quando restringiamo il nostro respiro, reprimendo e sopprimendo le nostre risposte emozionali, e' probabile che restringiamo anche la nostra vita, e il fisico viene privato di un vitale elemento energetico che col passare del tempo si può trasformare in malattia. Mentre apportiamo queste modifiche, aprendo completamente il nostro sistema respiratorio- variando la profondità, il ritmo e la velocità -cambiamo la nostra prospettiva, le nostre proprietà chimiche, le nostre percezioni e il nostro atteggiamento, dissolvendo ogni tensione. Acquisiamo, inoltre, benefici fisici tonificando e massaggiando i nostri organi interni e muscoli addominali.

Indalecia Zirrit
Venue: Milan, Italy

Mount Warning Breathing Circle

Leesa Schuh Leesa has been studying and using alternative and complimentary therapies since 1989, firstly obtaining a Diploma in Natural Health Science, which included Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology, Swedish Massage, Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Herbal Medicine, Iridology, Mineral Therapy, and Vitamin Therapy. Other courses completed include: Rieki I and II, Touch for Health I, II and III, Clinical Kinesiology, Touch for Learning I, Life Mastery I - IV (based on teachings from Cherokee Indian, Bobby Running Fox), NLP Grad Cert, Certified Animal Dreaming Practitioner, and current Senior First Aid Certificate. Most recently, and perhaps most profoundly, Leesa completed Rebirthing Breathwork International's Professional Training in Rebirthing Breathwork under the guidance of Heike Strombach and Leonard Orr.

Currently living near Mt Warning in Northern NSW, Australia, on 18 acres of rainforest retreat, Leesa co-owns/manages Mount Warning Forest Hideaway with her partner Andrew, where they have a passion for sharing ancient wisdom, purification practices, Breathwork, and emotional and energy healing in a serene, natural, eco-friendly environment.

Leesa Schuh
Venue: Mount Warning Forest Hideaway, 460 Byrrill Creek Rd, Uki NSW 2484
Tel: +61 (0)2 6679 7277

Salford Breathing Circle

Laurent's Profile:

I have just experienced further the wonder of breathwork at the Global Inspiration Conference 2013 in India. My practice continues to develop as I open myself deeper to the breath and it's magic.
A far cry from my days in retail management!

My personal journey has taken me through self esteem, anger and how to manage emotion, family harmony, creating relationships, sexuality, depression, grief and releasing pain.

I continue to expand my self awareness and intuition to develop myself and support those whom I guide through breathwork sessions.

I am a member of The IBF ( International Breathwork Foundation) and The BRS ( British Rebirth Society).
I have created and facilitate the Northern Rebirth Peer Group and The IBF UK Men's Group.

I have been a Certificated Rebirther since 2003 and have trained with the following Rebirth schools - The Artemis Foundation (participant and assistant). Bob Mandel ISLP training. The Essential Life Skills Training (assistant).

Laurent Fernandez-Moreno
Venue: Salford, Greater Manchester, M30 0FT
Tel: 07545911023

Canberra Breathing Circle

Rachel Vines A new Breathing Circle has been started in Cambera, Austrailia and will be facilitied by Rachel Vines.

Rachel Vines
Venue: Building C, 2 Lansell Circuit Wanniassa

Valencia Breathing Circle

Evamaria Molina Figueres Evamaria's Biography: Gestalt therapist. Rebirther. Professional training in Vivation, tantra and Shamanism.

Evamaria Molina Figueres
Venue: calle bonavista, 55 bajo, 46183 La Eliana, Valenciana, Spain
Tel: +34 610 26 04 95

New Zurich Breathing Circle starts April 30th

Daniela Rusconi Hi Everyone
This is Daniela from Zurich, Switzerland. Wanted to start a breath circle for quite a while, NOW is the time! I am a Transformational Breath Trainer and love the breath - just as you do - and really look forward to feel you breathe in synchronicity! This breath circle won’t be facilitated by me, rather I will join the group. We start on 30. April 2013!

Daniela Rusconi
Venue: Idaplatz 2a, 8003 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 76 580 15 48

First in The Lebanon - Beirut Breathing Circle

Sam Reda Sam (Jkumba) Reda Certified in:
1- Rebirthing-Breathwork Therapist
2- Basic Yoga Practices Teacher
3- Acupressure & Swedish Massage

Born in Beirut, Lebanon, his discovery of Yoga before the age 10, lead him in later life to living in different spiritual and healing communities on the East Australian Coast.
Became a Rebirther, specializes in the release of suppressed emotions. This technique is not only powerful in releasing suppressed emotions but also in reconnecting us with our soul purpose.
Breathwork Therapy, a simple breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to see and change limiting thoughts and patterns from the past, which may be restricting you from living life more fully in the present.
When everyone tells you to be calm, Rebirthing-Breathwork encourages to get in touch with and express your emotions to go beyond, to your nature, your loving self.
With humble beginnings in Beirut, he has started to introduce Rebirthing to as many people, groups and individuals as he can. This goes back to when he put out to train as Rebirther back in the ‘Rainbow Region’ of Australian, as it is known there.

Sam Reda
Venue: Soul Spa, 6th floor, Iwan Maktabi building, Verdun Main Street, Beirut, Lebanon -
Tel: +9611-353286 / +9613-843749

Julie Ann restarts Breathing Circle - now in Glastonbury

Julie Ann Horrox, who previously ran the Burton Breathing Circle, has now started a new group after moving to Glastonbury.

Julie Ann Horrox
Venue: 15 Farm Hill, Ashcott, Somerset, TA79PS
Tel: 01458 211006 / 07967308695
Skype: Julie Ann Horrox

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Important information: “Breathing Circle promotes the use of Conscious Breathwork as an effective route to self-healing. We support a range of breathwork modalities and are not limited to one specific practice. We encourage group leaders to be experienced in facilitation of group breathwork practices, but we do not guarantee their expertise or professionalism. Breathing Circle always encourages discernment and self-responsibility when selecting a therapist or group breathwork leader.”

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